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Using the internet to learn English

Nowadays the internet has become a part of our daily lives; so much so that one can find absolutely anything on the web. The World Wide Web (www) has transformed our lives and it has also transformed the way people learn. Therefore, there is no reason why you should not take advantage of modern times and supplement your English learning via the internet. Below you can find some useful internet tools you can use to help you along your journey!


Online blogs are a great way for you to read English which is normally not that difficult to read and understand. Ideally, you should begin with blogs targeting English learners before you move on to more difficult ones. Some blog spaces you should consider are Phrase Mix, ABA English and Deep English.


Short stories are a perfect way to listen and read your way to being a good English speaker. There are many good websites out there which offer both written and spoken stories in the form of podcast shows. The good thing about story websites and also for blogs above, is that they normally offer different stories according to your level of English. Websites such as Easy Stories in English and English for Students offer stories for beginners up to fluent speakers.

News Sites

Apart from learning English, by reading news sites you will also get to know about current events all around the world! In addition, since fresh news is always coming in, you will always find a variety of different topics to read about. From sports to politics to entertainment, you have a wide choice of news to choose from!


Continuing with the news theme, another medium for you to read about current events are the newspapers that are published every day. Some local media houses publish their print and online newspapers every day while others are out on a weekly basis. Since Malta has two official languages, these being Maltese and English, the level of English in the newspapers is always of high quality, meaning you will get the right content in the right format if you opt to read an English newspaper from a Maltese media house.

Get in Touch

We are always ready and willing to help you on your journey. Contact us today and find out how you can start studying English with us today! Send us an email on


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